Nothing on My Schedule!!!
>> Tuesday, May 06, 2008
So that means I have nothing to do today, right?
If only. Today's weather has been downgraded from partyl cloudy to scattered thunderstorms (which may blow my grilling plan out the window) so the girls and I will try to get outside for a while this morning to burn energy.
Laundry hasn't been done for a few days (yep, I was trying to ignore it) and there are at least 3 loads that are overflowing from their containers. (For those inquiring minds I have 7 laundry baskets in my closet. Yes, really. Delicates, whites and lights that aren't delicate, colored, dark, jeans, towels and whites that can be bleached. It's less work if it is all sorted as it is taken off. Yes, I'm anal. I know.)
I am hosting a garage sale this Saturday. My dining room is filled with stuff to get rid of and I am trying to get Doug to sort through a basement closet before the weekend. There's a lot of stuff in it that he hasn't been willing to part with- but it has all been sitting in the closet since we moved in. I just don't think he'll miss it.
And speaking of garage sales- I have a Husqvarna Rose Sewing and Embroidery Machine for sale. It was my step mother's (she just HAD to have it) and she used it once or twice. My dad is asking $700 for it (he paid much, much more). Anyone interested? I can send you photos and more info.
Well, it's closing in on 8am so I suppose I'll start a load of laundry and get the girls dressed so we can play before the rain sets in.
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