"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin

The UN is paying for genocide

>> Monday, October 18, 2004

Yet another reason to be disgusted with the UN

A United Nations employee charged by a war crimes investigator with killing some of his colleagues during the Rwanda genocide in 1994 has been awarded 13 months' back pay by a United Nations panel on the ground that he was unfairly dismissed.

The award, by the United Nations Administrative Tribunal, was made on Sept. 30 after another United Nations board recommended that the employee, Callixte Mbarushimana, be paid for six months. Dissatisfied with the first judgment, Mr. Mbarushimana appealed to the tribunal for higher compensation, and won.

The decision has incensed other United Nations officials who worked in Rwanda during and after the genocide and has embarrassed senior officials at headquarters.

Mr. Mbarushimana, who now lives in France, was accused in an indictment of directing or taking part in the killing of 32 people, including United Nations colleagues, during the orgy of killing in Rwanda 10 years ago.

Oh, he lives in France? That explains it then. Talk about cajones, he went back to the UN for more money...and they paid up!

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