"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin

Presidential Debate II

>> Friday, October 08, 2004

I know a lot of you may have already caught the debate of some of the replays, so I'll keep it short. Big Bush win in my view. Bush was confident and had more interaction from the audience. Kerry was called an undertaker by many pundits. The spin now begins as each side will challenge the facts of the other. Bush has the facts on his side. The economy is strong, the job scene is growing and every challenge in Iraq has either been overcome or is close, Afghanistan will elect a national leader today. Bush deserves 4 more years. No surprise there, if you read my blog you would have already known that I thought that.

Here's a roundup of conservative punditry:

Here's a roundup of liberal punditry:


Jody 8:39 AM  

Hugh Hewitt does such a good job of rounding up the questions. I though the President did a great job. He excells at Town Hall meetings, which we witnessed first hand earlier this week and Doug posted.

I did yell at the TV when Kerry received the softball first question. And many times through the debate when he didn't answer questions but, instead, went off on a different topic. Just Answer The Damn Question!!!

I concur- BIG BUSH WIN.

Bou 10:41 AM  

Thank you for posting on the debate! I'm doing the blog rounds and you're the first place I stopped. I didn't watch it... I get to nervous. :) I know, it's stupid. Anyway, I like to hear that we did well.

(((Thought Criminal))) 6:30 PM  

Live from St. Louis, it's Mister Beamish's post-debate reaction.

Doug H 11:11 PM  

Oooh, good analysis! Kerry has got such a tin ear, he should go into roofing.

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