"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin


>> Saturday, January 01, 2005

Ah, the first day of a new year. It holds so much promise, so much mystery of what is to come. Without futher ado... my resolutions for 2005:

1) Portion control. I know that "diet" is a 4 letter word. One that doesn't cross my lips with me choking on it. And food happens to be a very close friend of mine. I love to cook, I love to experiement and I love to eat. So, this year. I resolve to monitor my portions. (This affects Doug, too. TeeHeeHee)

2) Exercise. Since the exhaustion of pregnancy and overwhelming tiredness of actually caring for a child I have, honestly, ceased to exercise. Since Brenna is now past 6 weeks and the childcare at the gym (free with membership) can take her, I need to get on the ball. So, I resolve to exercise at least 30 minutes a day at home and to get to the gym 3 times a week for cardio and yoga or pilates.

3) Writing. I have also dropped the ball on this- except for blogging. This year I resolve to write 10 hours a week. This can include journaling as it really helps with writers block, but not blogging. I don't think I have a problem there.

Well, that's 3. Three seems doable.

And now for Brenna's resolutions:

1) To learn to crawl and walk.
2) To sleep through the night.
3) Write my own baby blog.

Happy 2005 everyone!

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