Wideawake Roundup
>> Saturday, January 22, 2005
Superhawk has What Is Liberalism?
What's truly amazing is that over the last decade or so there's been a seismic shift in the definition of classic liberalism and classic conservatism. In short, the two ideologies have flip flopped. Liberals now stand for maintaining the status quo, fighting against change of any kind in government responsibilities like taxes, defense, foreign policy, social security, welfare, and the wise use of resources. Modern conservatives seek changes in all of these policies; not a return to a past where these policies didn't exist but a fundamental shift in the relationship between the governors and the governed.
AmberGnat has Are Democrats destined to lose the black vote?
CatHouse chat has Our Marines: True Americans!
Cao has some Idiot Sightings
Raven has The Hypocritic Oath
Dimlomad has received a new UN Report that is a whopping 3,000 pages long.
New Sisyphus has Word from Paris