"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin

An Afternoon Alone (Whatever Will I Do?)

>> Sunday, December 28, 2008

Doug and the girls just left for his aunt & uncle's house about and hour & a half away. His aunt called me last night and said they were having a gathering today, could we make it? Well, all who know me know that I am a "planner" and to drop something like this on me at the last minute is like dropping a bowling ball onto a mirror. It's not good. I had my day planned out weeks ago and there is stuff I really need to get done before the week begins.

So Doug, who had no bigger plans than to sit and veg with the girls all afternoon, gathered up my little balls of energy and left me alone to get stuff done.

So, what's on my agenda? Well, I want to:

  1. Create a new logo and button for Have Kid Will Travel. And I want to get all my older posts relocated to the new blog site and shut down the old one. Lots of copying and pasting.
  2. I need to create a Fab Food Friday button, as well. I'm also behind over there and I have a wonderful beverage to share before New Year's Eve arrives!
  3. I want to set up both my and Doug's blog roll in Bloglines to unclutter the sidebars of the new template I'm working on. And while I'm there I need to set up "subscribe with Bloglines" buttons for Fab Food Friday and HKWT.
  4. I need to get my Iowa Geek Review email working through Outlook.
  5. I must write a post for my Flat Belly Diet over at Prevention. And I need to make a link for that to add to the new sidebar on the new template.
  6. I have three books to write reviews for and give away.
  7. And I need to create a new schedule so I can get things done on time! Deadlines are beginning to become part of my life- which is good!
  8. And, big news, I'm going to Blissdom'09! It's a blog conference in Nashville February 6 & 7. I got child care lined up for Friday and if I book before the end of the year I can save some money. I've got the OK from Doug, so I am booking tonight! W00T! And, hopefully, Paula from Boogers & Burps will be joining me! Anyone else from central Iowa interested?
  9. I really need to make a list and hit the grocery store. We're out of string cheese (which has become Caelan's favorite snack) and practically everything else!
So, on to the list... Let's see how much I can get done...

OK, it's now 2:07 pm and things are getting done!

Here's my Fab Food Friday button and code if you want to take it:

And don't forget my Iowa Geek button is just off to the right...

It's now 4:52pm. I've been crossing thigs off my list as I get them done... And I've made some pretty good progress... But Doug just called and said they are on their way home. I should really get the grocery list made nd shopping done.

Yeah, like that's gonna happen in an hour and a half!


The Fritz Facts 7:19 PM  

I wish I could go to Blissdom!! If only it was a different month. I love the new logo and the buttons! How fun!

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