"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin

That's Entertainment

>> Friday, August 11, 2006

We've had a very entertaining morning.

After a light breakfast consisting of pastry and milk (for Brenna, tea for me) we did the morning mambo with Bear and danced with the Wiggles.

Noticing the huge diggers across the creek we ventured out to the deck and enjoyed the cool breeze and watched them dig big holes and put in pipes.

Tiring of that Brenna decided to serve tea in her kitchen. Then, digging out a grass skirt and leis, she showed me how to shake the skirt.

Now we are downstairs and Brenna is watching her new favorite movie: Baby Einstein Neighborhood Animals or as she calls it "Puppy, puppy, puppy!!!" and coming in to check on me every so often. I am, alternately, blogging and watching my belly move. Baby is active today.


Here's a cheery thought that my sister was only too happy to share with me last night.

Her husband's cousin is having a baby, due within a week of ours. We had our ultrasounds about the same time and theiy were told "It's a girl". They have painted the room pink and prepared for a girl. They had another ultrasound just the other day. And.... IT'S A BOY! Oh, my.

As far as I am aware my doctor has no plans to have another ultrasound performed. So... think we'll have a surprise, too?

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