"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin

I Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Post....

>> Wednesday, May 10, 2006

I was actually working on a post last night that included Doug's local TV appearance since it never appeared on the TV station's website. I had decided to take a break, it was about 5pm, and said to Brenna "Let's go upstairs and we'll go for a walk!" Brenna loves to be outside so she was very excited and ran for the stairs.

And that's when it happened: her feet tangled and down she went... headfirst... into this:

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The screaming... the blood... the utter horror on my face.

I wet a towel and pressed it to the spot that it seemed the blood was pouring from. Oh, the blood. Cradling a sobbing Brenna in my arms we ran upstairs to call Doug. He was out door knocking and I couldn't reach him.

So I called my sister. No answer.

So I called my brother. He lives close now, which is so nice, and came over right away. By the time he arrived the bleeding had slowed significantly and we were really able to see the gash: about an inch long, a quarter of an inch wide and deep. (You'll have to trust me on this as I was not really in the frame of mind to take a picture to share.)

Off to Urgent Care. My sister stopped by just as we were leaving. She said that we probably didn't need to go but better safe than sorry. Doug called and met us there.

Shortly after 7pm it was our turn to see a doctor. First come, first served, you know. And the office was filled with softball injuries and other bumps.

The doctor ruled out a butterfly bandage: the wound was too long. And she ruled out gluing it: the wound was too wide. Which only left stitches. 3 stitches. Brenna was very brave. As soon as it was over she cuddled up to mommy and the sobbing stopped. She was happy enough to wave bye-bye as we left.

Here is Brenna happy to be home:
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And here she is this morning modeling her stitches:

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Hopefully the scar won't be too bad.

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