"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin

In To Music?

>> Monday, August 04, 2008

I remember when it felt like music was my life. I was waiting for the midnight release of Guns ‘n Roses “Use Your Illusion” albums (on cassette!) and I never missed a concert.

Now I’m a bit detached from music. I can’t tell you the latest bands or even who’s on tour. It’s sad, really. And, possibly even worse, I don’t have an MP3 player. Nope. Antiquated, I know.

But I’m trying to get back in the groove and this Free 7 Day Trial from Altnet allows me to download as much music to my computer as I can handle. And it’s legal- and endorsed by the major record companies.

You do have to give credit card information to sign up but your card will not be charged during the trial period. After the trial period you will be charged $19.98 per month- which is a bargain if you listen to a lot of music. And you can cancel anytime. Then you have to install the Altnet Music Plugin.

After doing that you are able to browse the music selections. Just for the record I was able to find a HUGE selection of Celtic music… And the Essential Irish Drinking Songs…
Sponsored by Altnet.com


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