Is It OK to....
>> Monday, January 02, 2006
be sad about something that may not have actually been?
My cycles have always been 28 days. No more, no less, right on the money. I can time my period down to the hour. I can feel myself ovulate. I know my body.
And today, one week before I am due for my monthly "visit"- BAM!
And this isn't a normal, run of the mill monthly. I am having cramps like I have never felt. I don't have cramps. Ever. And everything is just wierd; wrong. Ladies, you all know what I mean, right?
Although there is no way to know for sure, I'm pretty positive that I was pregnant- if only for 10 days.
At first it was just a small spot. I spotted with Brenna at first so I wasn't worried. Then it became bigger, and more painful, and I knew that if I was I wasn't anymore.
Which makes me sad.