The Big, Red BullsEye
>> Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Hello. I am a Target addict. I have been addicted for 12 years. The most difficult part of my addiction is passing "The Dollar Spot".
Have any of you been pulled into this amazing little nook at the entrance? So many little goodies for only a dollar. The items have just been changed at my local Target and the theme is Valentine's Day. Last night I "scored" scrapbooking supplies: a package of 10 patterned pages, 4 packages of puffy alphabet stickers and two card-making kits with glitter, bows, stickers... What I didn't get, and will probably go back for, are heart-shaped placemats with matching plates, bowls, cups and utensils for Brenna. One dollar each, people. How can you go wrong? You can't!
I have tried to control my Target addiction and shop at WalMart. Their prices are lower on much of the stuff I need fairly regularly (read: diapers) but WalMart just isn't the same. Sure, you can find everything you need. But Target has better lighting and is just, well, friendlier. There is a different feeling between the stores. Though the stores are actually loctaed across the street from eachother the divide feels as wide as the distance between Minneapolis (the birthplace of Target) and Bentonville, Arkansas (WalMart's home). It's as if the poeple themselves are different.
Has anyone else noticed this phenom? It's there, honestly. I'll just go out on record and say it: the people in Target seem more attractive. Is it the lighting? Their uniforms? Their attitudes? I really don't know. The WalMart employees just seem dreary. Schlumpy. Unkempt. And tired.
It's got to be the lighting.