"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin


>> Friday, February 13, 2009

What Will Your Politicians Do?

I don't care what side of the aisle your on. I don't care whether you voted for President Obama or not. What I want to know today, right now, is what you think of this:

The public was promised a 48 hour time period to view the finished stimulus bill before it went to vote. Well, the bill was "finished" about 11pm last night at it is going to a rush vote today- before Nancy Pelosi catches her plane to Europe.

Now I don't care if you are for or against this bill. But don't you think your elected officials should actually read it before voting on it?

Sen. Frank Lautenberg (D-N.J.) predicted on Thursday that none of his Senate colleagues would "have the chance" to read the entire final version of the $790-billion stimulus bill before the bill comes up for a final vote in Congress. Article here.
Now, that's a lot of tax payer money to be voting on without knowing where it is going. If your elected representative were to read the entire thing today, before the vote, they would have to be able to read 640 words a minute (and understand them). Check this link for just a bit of the bill (the bill wording begins about half way down) Do you understand it? Don't tell me you can because in this portion f the bill it refers to other portions of the 1100+ page bill.

Thanks to RedState for the number to the Congressional Switchboard: (202) 224-3121. Call your representative. Tell them to vote no today if they haven't read the bill. This vote can wait.

Just FYI:

The people at Senator Grassley's office were very kind. They listened, answered my questions and took my name and address.

On the the side of the coin, the reception I received at Senator Harkin's office was much different. Not only did they not take my information, I was argued with when I said that I expected the senator to have read the entire bill before he voted on it.
"Senator Harkin helped write the previous version of the bill."
"Yes,", I said, "But there are 400 more pages that have been added since then."
"So you expect the senator to read and memorize this entire bill?"
"I expect him to read and understand it. This is billions of dollars, my money, he is playing with. I expect him to know exactly where it is going."
"I'll make sure he gets the message."

I am so annoyed that I am shaking now. I don't know if the offices are getting flooded with calls and the people who answer the phones are getting stressed. And you know what? I don't care. Because my taxes pay their salaries, too. Call your politicians. Expect them to know what they are voting on. And expect them to put the people, not a party, first.


Anonymous 10:09 PM  

Amen, Sister. It seems like they think the dollars they are talking about is play money and there is an endless supply. I think we should have a national lottery to assign politicians. Then maybe we could get some representatives who know what real life is like.

Anonymous 10:10 PM  

Amen, Sister. It seems like they think the dollars they are talking about is play money and there is an endless supply. I think we should have a national lottery to assign politicians. Then maybe we could get some representatives who know what real life is like.

Anonymous 7:15 AM  

The corruption and greed of our elected representatives is beyond belief. Our "Public Servants" are there only to serve themselves, otherwise they would be listening to the 67% of the populus who do not want this bill.

The only entities this is going to help is big business and big government.

I am actively campaigning AGAINST any and all politicians who vote for this monstrosity.

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