"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin


>> Monday, February 13, 2006

Honestly, that's all I've got. It takes more energy than I have available to keep up with Brenna and take care of my daily "to do" list.

When I was pregnant with Brenna I was tired, but only in the evening. Bed at 7pm wasn't unheard of. Well, to be honest, falling asleep on Doug while we watched TV was what was actually happening, but you get my point.

When I was pregnant with Brenna I had only one experience with nausea and that was due to a very "large" man with a very bad odor problem so I figure I may have had the same reaction had I not been knocked up.

When I was pregnant with Brenna I could eat anything. Chinese? Yep. Mexican? Uh-huh. Indian? No problem. And I craved dried fruit and nuts.

This pregnancy is proving to be much different.

I am tired ALL THE TIME. I wake up tired. I move through my day like a zombie. I nap in the afternoon (when I can get Brenna to cooperate). I get to bed no later than 8:30pm. And I don't feel like I sleep well. I hate that.

So far I have experienced nausea every day. Not enough to actually vomit, thank goodness, but the kind that makes food look and smell repulsive. The kind that makes riding in the car a nightmare. The kind that makes laying down feel like you have the drunken spins.

Food is not my friend. Especially in the morning. Toast is my breakfast of choice. With tea. Or milk. Soda is out. So is anything fried. I'm not sure about spicy foods- I'm almost afraid to try. And fruit? Not a chance.

Ugh. It's almost bedtime.

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