"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin

Let Sleeping Babies Lie

>> Wednesday, July 26, 2006

We had a huge storm last night. The lightning was hitting so close to our house you could hear the sizzle as it streaked through the air; the electric current made our intercom system buzz. The thunder was immediate and right on top of us; it shook the house.

Doug got out of bed to turn off computers and such. A few minutes later I followed and found him watching the storm. It was a beautiful storm to watch- lots of lightning and thunder.

I did find it odd that we hadn't heard a peep from Brenna. After all, the house was shaking and buzzing, the thunder was loud and the sky was lit up like noon. But nothing from Brenna.

I told Doug that I wanted to check on her but was afraid of waking her. He had the same thought. And, after a few minutes, I did just that.

This was the time I should have taken my own advice; advice given just 2 days ago to Doug's cousin who has a new baby: Never wake a sleeping baby.

The storm may not have bothered Brenna but my entering her room did. Out of bed she came, dragging her blanket. She cuddled on daddy. She cuddled on mommy. She cuddled down in bed and, thinking she was sleeping, I began to leave. Out of bed again, blanket in tow. She took my hand and led me downstairs to our bed. Where she slept- in the "H" position, head by daddy, feet by mommy.

Never wake a sleeping baby....
Never wake a sleeping baby....
Never wake a sleeping baby....
Never wake a sleeping baby....
Never wake a sleeping baby....

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