"Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and lose both." ~ Benjamin Franklin

National Media List

>> Tuesday, October 07, 2003

We still haven't finished the National Media Blaster. Until that is finished, we figure we should at least give you the list so you can use it. Here it is unedited for your enjoyment. This thread is locked, but if you have some contacts that you would like to add, just post them in the Ask the Administrators forum.

ABC News, 20/20, http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/2020/2020/2020friday...
ABC News, Barbara Walters, 2020@abc.com
ABC News, George Stephanopoulos, thisweek@abc.com
ABC News, Good Morning America, http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/GMA/GoodMorningAmeri...
ABC News, John Stossel, 2020@abc.com
ABC News, Nightline, nightline@abcnews.com
ABC News, Primetime Thursday, http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/primetime/2020/Prime...
ABC News, Ted Koppel, nightline@abc.com
ABC News, This Week with George Stephanopoulos, http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/ThisWeek/ThisWeek/tw...
ABC News, World News Now overnight, http://www.abcnews.go.com/onair/WorldNewsNow/wnn_email_...
ABC News, World News Tonight weekend, http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/wnt/WorldNewsSaturda...
ABC News, World News Tonight with Peter Jennings, http://www.abcnews.go.com/sections/wnt/WorldNewsTonight...

Air America Radio, Al Franken (comments), factorcorrections@airamericaradio.com
Air America Radio, Mike Malloy, mike@mikemalloy.com
Air America Radio, Randi Rhodes, rrhodes@airamericaradio.com

Alan Colmes Show, Alan Colmes, alan@alan.com

Albany Times Union, Letters to the Editor, http://www.timesunion.com/forms/emaileditor.asp

Alternative Radio, Alternative Radio, info@alternativeradio.org

Alternet, Feedback or Tips, info@alternet.org

America's Black Forum, Feedback or Tips, talk2us@americasblackforum.com

Army Times, Judy McCoy (Associate Publisher), jmccoy@atpco.com
Army Times, Tobias Naegele (Executive Editor), tnaegele@atpco.com

Associated Press (AP), Feedback, feedback@ap.org
Associated Press, Jennifer Loven, jloven@ap.org
Associated Press, Kathleen Carroll (Executive Editor), kcarroll@ap.org
Associated Press, Larry Margasak, lmargasak@ap.org
Associated Press, Michael Silverman (Managing Editor), msilverman@ap.org
Associated Press, Michelle DeArmound, opinion@thewire.ap.org
Associated Press, Nedra Pickler, npickler@ap.org
Associated Press, Ron Fournier, rfournier@ap.org
Associated Press, Sandra Johnson (Washington Bureau Chief), sjohnson@ap.org
Associated Press, Seth Sutel, pr@ap.org
Associated Press, Terry Hunt, thunt@ap.org
Associated Press, Tom Raum, traum@ap.org

Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Barbara Senftleber (National/International Desk Editor), bsenftleber@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Bill Steiden (Washington and Politics), bsteiden@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Carolyn Warmbold (Day News Editor), cwarmbold@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Contact Us, http://www.ajc.com/services/content/services/help/ajc_f...
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Cynthia Tucker (Editorial Page Editor), cynthia@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Cynthia Tucker (Editorial Page Editor), cynthia@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, George Mathis (Metro News), gmathis@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Hank Klibanoff (Managing Editor - News), hklibanoff@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Hank Klibanoff (Managing Editor), hklibanoff@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Hyde Post (Editorial Director), hpost@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, James Mallory (Managing Editor), jmallory@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Jay Bookman (Deputy Editorial Page Editor), jbookman@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Julia Wallace (Editor), jdwallace@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Julia Wallace (Editor), jdwallace@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Letters to the Editor, letters@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Mike King (Public Editor - Fairness and Accuracy), insideajc@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Phil Gast (Evening News Editor), pgast@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Raman Narayanan (International), rnarayanan@ajc.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Robin Henry (Deputy Managing Editor), rhenry@ajc.com

Atrios, Atrios, atrios@comcast.net

BBC News, News Online, newsonline@bbc.co.uk

Beyond the Beltway, Bruce DuMont, btbtalk@aol.com

Black Entertainment Television (BET), BET Nightly News, news@bet.com

Black Op Radio, Anita Langley, anita@mindgallery.com
Black Op Radio, Jim Fetzer, jfetzer@d.umn.edu
Black Op Radio, Len Osanic, osanic@prouty.org

Bloomberg News, Heidi Przybyla, hprzybyla@bloomberg.net
Bloomberg News, Holly Rosenkrantz, hrosenkrantz@bloomberg.net
Bloomberg News, Richard Keil, dkeil@bloomberg.net

Boston Globe, Christine Chinlund (Ombudsman), ombud@globe.com
Boston Globe, Ellen Goodman, goodman@globe.com
Boston Globe, Kenneth Cooper (National Editor), kcooper@globe.com
Boston Globe, Kevin Galvin (Assistant National Editor), johnson@globe.com
Boston Globe, Letters to the Editor, letter@globe.com
Boston Globe, Matthew D.B Brelis (Assistant National Editor), brelis@globe.com
Boston Globe, Tom Oliphant, oliphant@globe.com

Business Week, Alexandra Starr, lettersbwol@businessweek.com
Business Week, Richard S. Dunham, richard_dunham@businessweek.com

Buzzflash, Feedback or Tips, buzzflash@buzzflash.com

Cambridge Forum, Cambridge Forum, query@cambridgeforum.org

Canadian Broadcasting Company (CBC), contact form, http://www.cbc.ca/contact/index.jsp

CBS News, 48 Hours, 48hours@cbsnews.com
CBS News, 60 Minutes II, 60II@cbsnews.com
CBS News, 60 Minutes, 60m@cbsnews.com
CBS News, Bill Plante, bpc@cbsnews.com
CBS News, CBS Evening News with Dan Rather, evening@cbsnews.com
CBS News, Early Show, earlyshow@cbs.com
CBS News, Erin Moriarty, efm@cbsnews.com
CBS News, Face The Nation, ftn@cbsnews.com
CBS News, Mark Knoller, mkx@cbsnews.com
CBS News, Peter Maer, pma@cbsnews.com
CBS News, Rita Braver, rbc@cbsnews.com
CBS News, Sunday Morning, sundays@cbsnews.com

CBSnews.com, Dick Meyer (Editorial Director), grain@cbsnews.com

Chicago Sun-Times, Avis Weathersbee (Deputy Features Editor), aweathersbee@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Bill Zwecker (Columnist), zwecker@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Business Desk, stbusiness@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Christine Ledbetter (Features Editor), cledbetter@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, City Desk, metro@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Dan Miller (Business editor), dmiller@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Deborah Douglas (Red Streak Editor), ddouglas@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Don Hayner (Managing Editor/News), metro@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Features Desk, showcase@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Jack Barry (General Manager), jbarry@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Jeff Wisser (Assistant Features Editor), jwisser@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, John Barron (Executive Managing Editor), jbarron@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, John Cruickshank (Publisher), jcruickshank@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, John W. Cary (President - Digital Chicago), jwcary@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Letters to the Editor, letters@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Mary Mitchell (Columnist), marym@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Michael Cooke (Editor in Chief), mcooke@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Michael Sneed (Columnist), sneed@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Phil Rosenthal (Television critic), prosen@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Photo Desk, stphoto@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Richard Roeper (Columnist), rroeper@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Robert Feder (TV/Radio columnist), feder@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Roger Ebert (Movie Answer Man), answerman@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Ron Rapoport (Sports columnist), rjr@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Steve Huntley (Editorial Page Editor), shuntley@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Terry Savage (Personal finance columnist), savage@suntimes.com
Chicago Sun-Times, Zay Smith (Quick Takes), zays@suntimes.com

Chicago Tribune, Achy Obejas (Q Section Writer), aobejas@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Ann Marie Lipinski (Editor), ctc-editor@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Bob Kemper (National Correspondent), rkemper@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Bruce Japsen (Business Health Care Reporter), bjapsen@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Cam Simpson (National Correspondent), csimpson@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Celeste Garrett (Urban Affairs Editor), cgarrett@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Frank James (Economics Correspondent), fjames@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Gary Washburn (City Hall Reporter), GWashburn@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, George de Lama (Deputy Managing Editor) - News, gdelama@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, James O'Shea (Managing Editor), joshea@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Jan Greenburg (Washington Correspondent), jgreenburg@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Jeff Zeleny (National Political Correspondent), jzeleny@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Jill Zuckman (Washington Correspondent), jzuckman@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, John Crewdson (Senior Writer), jcrewdson@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Judith Peres (Metro Reporter - Legal Affairs), JPeres@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Letter to the Editor, http://www.chicagotribune.com/services/site/chi-lettert...
Chicago Tribune, Maurice Possley (Criminal Justice Reporter), MPossley@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Michael Dorning (Washington Correspondent), mdorning@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Michael Kilian (Washington Correspondent); Columnist, cptkilian@aol.com
Chicago Tribune, Mike Tackett (Senior Correspondent), mtackett@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Naftali Bendavid (Washington Correspondent), nbendavid@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Paul Singer (Washington News Editor), psinger2@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, R. Bruce Dold (Editorial Page Editor), bdold@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Rich Anderson (Senior News Editor), rranderson@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Rick Pearson (Political Reporter), RAP30@aol.com
Chicago Tribune, Stephen Hedges (Washington Correspondent), shedges@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Steve Chapman (Editorial Board Member), schapman@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, Vickie Walton (Washington Bureau Chief), vwalton@tribune.com
Chicago Tribune, William Neikirk (Chief Washington Correspondent), wneikirk@tribune.com

Christian Science Monitor, Feedback, http://www.csmonitor.com/cgi-bin/contactus.pl

Cincinnati Enquirer, Byron McCauley, bmccauley@enquirer.com
Cincinnati Enquirer, Carl Weiser, cweiser@gns.gannett.com
Cincinnati Enquirer, Dan Horn, dhorn@enquirer.com
Cincinnati Enquirer, David Wells, dwells@enquirer.com
Cincinnati Enquirer, Jim Borgman, jborgman@enquirer.com
Cincinnati Enquirer, Ray Cooklis, rcooklis@enquirer.com
Cincinnati Enquirer, Tony Lang, tlang@enquirer.com

CNN Headline News, CNN Headline News, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form1.html?33
CNN Headline News, Judy Fortin comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4b.html?21
CNN Headline News, Kathleen Kennedy comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4b.html?24
CNN Headline News, Linda Stouffer comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4b.html?75
CNN Headline News, Mike Galanos comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4b.html?28
CNN Headline News, News Segment Comments, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form5c.html?4
CNN Headline News, Renay San Miguel comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4b.html?23
CNN Headline News, Report Errors, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form6a.html?3
CNN Headline News, Robin Meade comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4b.html?20
CNN Headline News, Rudi Bakhtiar comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4b.html?27
CNN Headline News, Sophia Choi comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4b.html?25
CNN Headline News, Stephen Frazier comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4b.html?26
CNN Headline News, Thomas Roberts comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4b.html?22

CNN, Aaron Brown, aaron.brown@turner.com
CNN, Aaron Brown, comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?3
CNN, America Votes 2004 comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form1.html?21
CNN, American Morning, am@cnn.com
CNN, Anderson Cooper 360, 360@cnn.com
CNN, Anderson Cooper comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?5
CNN, Andrea Koppel, andrea.koppel@turner.com
CNN, Bill Hemmer comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?10
CNN, Bill Schneider, bill.schneider@turner.com
CNN, Bruce Morton, bruce.morton@turner.com
CNN, Candy Crowley, candy.crowley@turner.com
CNN, Carlos Watson comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?81
CNN, Carol Costello comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?6
CNN, Carol Lin, carol.lin@turner.com
CNN, Christiane Amanpour comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?1
CNN, Crossfire, crossfire@cnn.com
CNN, Daryn Kagan comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?11
CNN, Daryn Kagan, daryn.kagan@turner.com
CNN, David Ensor, david.ensor@turner.com
CNN, Daybreak, daybreak@cnn.com
CNN, Fredricka Whitfield comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?17
CNN, Heidi Collins comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?4
CNN, Howard Kurtz, kurtzh@washpost.com
CNN, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form1.html?39
CNN, In The Money, inthemoney@cnn.com
CNN, Inside Politics, insidepoliticts@cnn.com
CNN, James Carville, crossfire@cnn.com
CNN, Jeanne Meserve, jeanne.meserve@turner.com
CNN, Jeff Greenfield comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?8
CNN, Jeff Greenfield, jeff.greenfield@cnn.com
CNN, Jim Walton (President of CNN News Group), jim.walton@turner.com
CNN, Judy Woodruff comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?18
CNN, Judy Woodruff, deirdre.walsh@turner.com
CNN, Kelly Wallace, kelly.wallace@turner.com
CNN, Kyra Phillips comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?16
CNN, Kyra Phillips, kyra.phillips@turner.com
CNN, Larry King comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?73
CNN, Live At CNN, live@cnn.com
CNN, Live From, livefrom@cnn.com
CNN, Live Today, livetoday@cnn.com
CNN, Lou Dobbs comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?7
CNN, Lou Dobbs, lou.dobbs@turner.com
CNN, Lou Dobbs, loudobbs@cnn.com
CNN, Miles O'Brien comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?14
CNN, Miles O'Brien, miles.obrien@turner.com
CNN, Moneyline, moneyline@cnn.com
CNN, news tips, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form11.html?1
CNN, Newsnight, newsnight@cnn.com
CNN, other anchor/reporter comments, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4a.html?1
CNN, Paul Begala, crossfire@cnn.com
CNN, Paula Zahn comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?19
CNN, Paula Zahn Now, paulazahnnow@cnn.com
CNN, Paula Zahn, paula.zahn@turner.com
CNN, Paula Zahn, paulazahn@cnn.com
CNN, report errors, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form6a.html?2
CNN, Rick Davis (Executive Vice President - CNN News Standards and Practices), rick.davis@turner.com
CNN, Robert Novak, robert.novak@turner.com
CNN, Soledad O'Brien comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?15
CNN, Tom Hannon (Political Director), tom.hannon@cnn.com
CNN, Tucker Carlson, crossfire@cnn.com
CNN, War in Iraq comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form1.html?19
CNN, Weekend American Morning, wam@cnn.com
CNN, Wolf Blitzer comment, http://www.cnn.com/feedback/forms/form4.html?2
CNN, Wolf Blitzer, wolf@cnn.com
CNN, Wolf Blitzer, wolf@cnn.com

Coast To Coast AM, George Noory, george@coasttocoastam.com

Common Ground, Common Ground, info@commongroundradio.org

Copley News Service, Finlay Lewis, finlay.lewis@copleydc.com
Copley News Service, George Condon, george.condon@copleydc.com

Cox Newspapers, Bob Deans, bobdeans@coxnews.com
Cox Newspapers, Chuck Lindell, clindell@coxnews.com
Cox Newspapers, George Edmondson, gedmonson@coxnews.com
Cox Newspapers, Larry Lipman, llipman@coxnews.com
Cox Newspapers, Mei-Ling Hopgood, mhopgood@coxnews.com
Cox Newspapers, Melanie Eversley, meversley@coxnews.com

Daily Kos, Kos, kos@dailykos.com

Dallas Morning News, Letters to the Editor, http://www.dallasnews.com/cgi-bin/lettertoed.cgi

Daytona Beach News-Journal, Letters to the Editor, http://www.news-journalonline.com/03LettersIndex.htm#fo...

Democracy Now, Democracy Now, mail@democracynow.org

Don Imus, Don Imus, imusshow@yahoo.com

Doug Basham, Doug Basham, bashamradio@yahoo.com

Economist, Letters to the Editor, letters@economist.com

Ed Schultz Show, Ed Schultz, ed@kfgo.com
Ed Schultz Show, overall show content, wendy@edschultzshow.com
Ed Schultz Show, producer, james@edschultzshow.com

FAIR, Deborah Thomas (Extra! Publisher), dthomas@fair.org
FAIR, general, fair@fair.org
FAIR, Janine Jackson (Program Director), jjackson@fair.org
FAIR, Jim Naureckas (Extra! Editor), jnaureckas@fair.org
FAIR, Julie Hollar (Communications Director), jhollar@fair.org
FAIR, Peter Hart, (Media Activism & Administration), phart@fair.org
FAIR, Sanford Hohauser (Shipping/Sales), shohauser@fair.org
FAIR, Steve Rendall (Senior Analyst), srendall@fair.org

Financial Times, Amity Shlaes (Senior Columnist - Political Economy), amity.shlaes@ft.com
Financial Times, Letters to the Editor, letters.editor@ft.com
Financial Times, Martin Wolf (Associate Editor and Chief Economics Commentator), martin.wolf@ft.com
Financial Times, Philip Stephens (Associate Editor and Senior Commentator), philip.stephens@ft.com
Financial Times, Quentin Peel (International Affairs Editor), quentin.peel@ft.com

Fort Myers News-Press, Gail Palmer, gpalmer@news-press.com

Fox News, After Hours, afterhours@foxnews.com
Fox News, At Large with Geraldo Rivera, atlarge@foxnews.com
Fox News, Brian Wilson, brian.wilson@foxnews.com
Fox News, Brit Hume, brit.hume@foxnews.com
Fox News, Bulls & Bears, bullsandbears@foxnews.com
Fox News, Cashin'In, cash@foxnews.com
Fox News, Cavuto on Business, cavuto@foxnews.com
Fox News, Collins Spencer, collins.spencer@foxnews.com
Fox News, Comments, comments@foxnews.com
Fox News, DaySide with Linda Vester, dayside@foxnews.com
Fox News, Forbes on FOX, forbes@foxnews.com
Fox News, FOX & Friends, friends@foxnews.com
Fox News, FOX Magazine, foxmagazine@foxnews.com
Fox News, FOX News Live, feedback@foxnews.com
Fox News, FOX News Sunday, fns@foxnews.com
Fox News, FOX News Watch, newswatch@foxnews.com
Fox News, FOX Report with Shepard Smith, foxreport@foxnews.com
Fox News, Hannity & Colmes (Alan Colmes), Colmes@foxnews.com
Fox News, Hannity & Colmes (Sean Hannity), Hannity@foxnews.com
Fox News, Heartland w/ John Kasich, heartland@foxnews.com
Fox News, James Rosen, james.rosen@foxnews.com
Fox News, Jim Angle, jim.angle@foxnews.com
Fox News, Major Garrett, major.garrett@foxnews.com
Fox News, Molly Henneberg, molly.henneberg@foxnews.com
Fox News, On the Record with Greta, ontherecord@foxnews.com
Fox News, On the Record with Greta, ontherecord@foxnews.com
Fox News, Special Report with Brit Hume, special@foxnews.com
Fox News, Studio B with Shepard Smith, studiob@foxnews.com
Fox News, The Beltway Boys, beltway@foxnews.com
Fox News, The Big Story with John Gibson, myword@foxnews.com
Fox News, The O'Reilly Factor, oreilly@foxnews.com
Fox News, Viewer Services, viewerservices@foxnews.com
Fox News, War Stories, warstories@foxnews.com
Fox News, Wendell Goler, wendell.goler@foxnews.com
Fox News, Your World with Neil Cavuto, cavuto@foxnews.com
Ft. Worth Star-Telegram, Letters to the Editor, letters@star-telegram.com

Gannett News Service, Ana Radelat, aradelat@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Billy House, billy.house@arizonarepublic.com
Gannett News Service, Carl Weiser, cweiser@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Dick DePledge, ddepledge@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Doug Abrahms, dabrahms@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Erin Kelly, ekelly@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Faith Bremner, fbremner@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, James Carroll, jcarroll@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Jane Norman, jnorman@dmreg.com
Gannett News Service, John Hanchette, jhanchet@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Jon Frandsen, jfrandsen@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Katherine Scott, kscott@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Larry Bivins, lbivins@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Maureen Groppe, mgroppe@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Mike Madden, mmadden@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Pam Brogan, pbrogan@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Raju Chebium, rchebium@gns.gannett.com
Gannett News Service, Susan Roth, sroth@gns.gannett.com

GreenWave Radio, GreenWave Radio, cmulholland@greenwave.com

Ground Zero Radio, Clyde Lewis, clyde@clydelewis.com

Guy James, Guy James, guyjames@theguyjamesshow.com

Hearst News Service, Charles Pope, charliepope@seattlepi.com
Hearst News Service, Helen Thomas, helent@hearstdc.com
Hearst News Service, Stewart Powell, stewart@hearstdc.com

Houston Chronicle, Letters to the Editor, viewpoints@chron.com
Houston Chronicle, News tips/Editor, citydesk@chron.com

Howard Stern Show, Howard Stern Show, sternshow@howardstern.com

International Herald Tribune, Letters to the Editor, letters@iht.com

Investor's Business Daily, IBD Editorial Department, ibdnews@investors.com

Jim Hightower Jim Hightower info@jimhightower.com

Kansas City Star, Editorial Page Editor, letters@kcstar.com
Kansas City Star, Steve Kraske, skraske@kcstar.com
Kansas City Star, Steve Shirk, sshirk@kcstar.com

KCRW-FM, Left Right & Center, sarah.spitz@kcrw.org

KDKA (Pittsburgh), Mike Pintek, pintek@kdka.com

KFI-AM (Los Angeles), John and Ken Show, johnandken@johnandkenshow.com

KGO 810 AM (San Francisco), Bernie Ward, bernieward2@yahoo.com
KGO 810 AM (San Francisco), Ray Taliaferro, raytaliaferro2@yahoo.com
KGO 810 AM (San Francisco), Ronn Owens, EmailRonn@aol.com

KHOW (Denver), Peter Boyles, peterboyles@clearchannel.com

KIRO (Seattle), Mike Webb, mike@mikewebb.org

KKOB (Albuquerque), Jim Villanucci, jim@radiojim.com

KMOX (St. Louis), Charlie Brennan, cwbrennan@cbs.com

Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Alan Bjerga (Washington Correspondent), abjerga@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Charles Hurt (Washington Correspondent), churt@charlotteobserver.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, David Goldstein (Washington Correspondent), dgoldstein@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Frank Davies (Washington Correspondent), fdavies@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Jim Puzzanghera (Washington Correspondent), jpuzzangherra@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Lauren Markoe (Washington Correspondent), lmarkoe@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Maria Recio (Washington Correspondent), mrecio@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Matt Stearns, mstearns@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Peter Nicholas (Washington Correspondent), pnicholas@phillynews.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Ron Hutcheson (Washington Correspondent), rhutcheson@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Ruby Bailey (Washington Correspondent), rbailey@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Steve Goldstein (Washington Correspondent), slgoldstein@krwashington.com
Knight-Ridder Newspapers, Tom Webb (Washington Correspondent), twebb@pioneerpress.com

KQED-FM, Forum with Michael Krasny, forum@kqed.org

KSTP-AM, Joe Soucheray, gljoe@am1500.com

KTSA (San Antonio), Jack Riccardi, jack@ktsa.com

Lionel Show, Lionel, Lionel@LionelOnline.com

Los Angeles Times, Aaron Zitner, aaron.zitner@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Alan Miller, alan.miller@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Barbara Serrano, barbara.serrano@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Barry Siegel, barry.siegel@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Bill Rempel, bill.rempel@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Bob Drogin, bob.drogin@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Bob Ourlian, bob.ourlian@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Chuck Neubauer, chuck.neubauer@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Davan Maharaj, davan.maharaj@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, David Johnson, david.johnson@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, David Kelly, david.kelly@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, David Lamb, david.lamb@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, David Savage, david.savage@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, David Willman, david.willman@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, David Zucchino, david.zucchino@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Deborah Nelson, deborah.nelson@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Don Frederick, don.frederick@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Don Woutat, don.woutat@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Doyle McManus, doyle.mcmanus@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Ed Chen, ed.chen@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Eddie Sanders, eddie.sanders@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Ellen Barry, ellen.barry@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Esther Schrader, esther.schrader@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Faye Fiore, faye.fiore@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Glenn Bunting, glenn.bunting@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Greg Miller, greg.miller@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Janet Hook, janet.hook@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Jim Rainey, jim.rainey@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Joan Springhetti, joan.springhetti@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Joel Havemann, joel.havemann@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Johanna Neuman, johanna.neuman@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, John Glionna, john.glionna@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, John Goldman, john.goldman@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, John Hendren, john.hendren@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, John Stewart, john.stewart@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, John-Thor Dahlburg, johnthor.dahlburg@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Jonathan Peterson, jonathan.peterson@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Josh Getlin, josh.getlin@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Josh Meyer, josh.meyer@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Judy Pasternak, judy.pasternak@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Julie Bowles, julie.bowles@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Karin Howard, karin.howard@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Ken Silverstein, ken.silverstein@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Kevin Sack, kevin.sack@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Leslie Hoffecker, leslie.hoffecker@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Letters to the Editor, letters@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Linda Finestone, linda.finestone@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Lisa Getter, lisa.getter@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Maggie Farley, maggie.farley@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Maria La Ganga, maria.laganga@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Marjorie Miller, marjorie.miller@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Mark Barabak, mark.barabak@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Mark Mazzetti, mark.mazzetti@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Mark Porubcansky, mark.porubcansky@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Mary Ann Meek, maryann.meek@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Mary Braswell, mary.braswell@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Mary Curtius, mary.curtius@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Matea Gold, matea.gold@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Maura Reynolds, maura.reynolds@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Max Boot, max.boot@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Michael Finnegan, michael.finnegan@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Michael Kinsley, michael.kinsley@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Michael Muskal, michael.muskal@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Millie Quan, millie.quan@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, National News Comment, http://www.latimes.com/services/site/la-comment-dcburea...
Los Angeles Times, Nick Anderson, nick.anderson@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Opinion/Editorials Comment, http://www.latimes.com/services/site/la-comment-oped,0,...
Los Angeles Times, Patrick McDonnell, patrick.mcdonnell@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Patt Morrison, patt.morrison@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Paul Feldman, paul.feldman@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Pete King, pete.king@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Peter Wallsten, peter.wallsten@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, PJ Huffstutter, pj.huffstutter@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Ralph Vartabedian, ralph.vartabedia@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Readers' Representative, readers.rep@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Richard Cooper, richard.cooper@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Richard E. Meyer, richard.meyer@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Richard Schmitt, richard.schmitt@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Richard Simon, richard.simon@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Robert Scheer, robert.scheer@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Robin Abcarian, robin.abcarian@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Roger Ainsley, roger.ainsley@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Ron Brownstein, ron.brownstein@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Scott Gold, scott.gold@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Scott Kraft, scott.kraft@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Sonni Efron, sonni.efrom@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Stephanie Simon, stephanie.simon@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Steve Braun, steve.braun@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Tom Furlong, tom.furlong@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Tom Hamburger, tom.hamburger@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Tom McCarthy, tom.mccarthy@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Tomas Alex Tizon tomasalex.tizon@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Vicki Kemper, vicki.kemper@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, Walter Roche, walter.roche@latimes.com
Los Angeles Times, World News Comment, http://www.latimes.com/services/site/la-comment-foreign...
Los Angleles Times, Elizabeth Mehren, elizabeth mehren@latimes.com

Marc Bernier, Mark Bernier, marc@marcberniershow.com

Mark Levine, Mark Levine, offair@radioinsidescoop.com

McClatchy Newspapers, Greg Gordon, ggordon@startribune.com
McClatchy Newspapers, John Wagner, jwagner@mcclatchydc.com
McClatchy Newspapers, Kevin Diaz, kdiaz@mcclatchydc.com
McClatchy Newspapers, Liz Ruskin, lruskin@mcclatchydc.com
McClatchy Newspapers, Rob Hotakainen, rhotakainen@mcclatchydc.com

Media General News Service, John Hall, jhall@media-general.com
Media General News Service, Keith Epstein, kepstein@mediageneral.com
Media General News Service, Kevin Begos, kbegos@media-general.com
Media General News Service, Kirsten Mitchell, kmitchell@media-general.com
Media General News Service, Peter Hardin, phardin@mediageneral.com

Media Matters for America, News Tips, mm-tips@mediamatters.org

Miami Daily Business Review, David Lyons, dlyons@floridabiz.com

Miami Herald, Letters to the Editor, HeraldEd@herald.com

Miami New Times, Letters to the Editor, feedback@miaminewtimes.com

Miami Today, Letters to the Editor, http://www.miamitodaynews.com/media/contact.shtml

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Alan Borsuk (MPS/education issues reporter), aborsuk@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Annysa Johnson (Milwaukee County suburbs reporter), anjohnson@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Barbara Dembski (Crossroads Editor), bdembski@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Bruce Murphy (General assignment reporter), bmurphy@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Cary Spivak (Columnist), cspivak@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Christine McNeal (Deputy Managing Editor - Weekend News and Presentation), cmcneal@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Crocker Stephenson (Snapshots/general assignment reporter), cstephenson@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dan Bice (Columnist), dbice@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dan Egan (General assignment reporter), degan@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Dave Umhoefer (County government reporter), dumhoefer@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Ernst-Ulrich Franzen (Deputy Editorial Page Editor ), efranzen@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Eugene Kane (Columnist), ekane@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Felicia Thomas-Lynn (Urban affairs reporter), fthomas-lynn@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Gary Markstein (Editorial cartoonist), gmarkste@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, General/Letters to editor, jsedit@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, George Stanley (Managing Editor and Vice President), gstanley@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Georgia Pabst (Milwaukee County/Hispanic affairs reporter), gpabst@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Gerry Hinkley (Deputy Managing Editor - Local News), ghinkley@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Graeme Zielinski (General assignment reporter), gzielinski@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Greg Borowski (Milwaukee City Hall reporter), gborowski@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Gregory Stanford (Editorial writer, columnist), gstanford@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jamaal Abdul-Alim (Suburban education reporter), jabdul-alim@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jerry Resler (Editorial writer), jresler@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jesse Garza (General assignment reporter), jgarza@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Jim Stingl (Columnist), jstingl@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, John Diedrich (Police reporter), jdiedrich@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Katie Boulden (Assistant Opinion Page Editor), jsedit@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Kelly Megna (Administrative assistant), kmegna@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Kelly Wells (Police reporter), kwells@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Lee Bergquist (Environment reporter), lbergquist@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Leonard Sykes (Urban affairs reporter), lsykes@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Linda Spice (Milwaukee County suburbs reporter), lspice@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Marie Rohde (Milwaukee County suburbs/MMSD reporter), mrohde@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Marilyn Krause (Senior Editor - Administration), mkrause@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mark Johnson (General assignment reporter), markjohnson@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Martin Kaiser (Editor and Senior Vice President), mkaiser@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Mary Zahn (General assignment reporter), mzahn@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Meg Jones (General assignment reporter), mjones@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Meg Kissinger (General assignment reporter), mkissinger@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Michael Juley (Racine County editor), mjuley@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, National/Washington DC Bureau, jsnational@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Ozaukee/Washington County Bureau, jsozwa@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Rachel McCormick (General assignment reporter), rmccormick@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Ricardo Pimentel (Vice President-Editorial Page Editor), rpimentel@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Richard Foster (Editorial writer columnist), (rfoster@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Sarah Carr (MPS reporter), scarr@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Steve Schultze (General assignment reporter), sschultze@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Steve Walters (Madison Bureau chief), swalters@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Stuart Carlson Editorial cartoonist), scarlson@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Tim Cuprisin (TV and radio columnist), tcuprisin@journalsentinel.com
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, Waukesha County Bureau, jswauk@journalsentinel.com

Mitch Albom Show, Mitch Albom, mitch@albom.com

Mother Jones, Editorial, backtalk@motherjones.com

MoveOn.org, Press Office, http://www.moveon.org/feedback/press /

MPR, Prairie Home Companion, phc@mpr.org

MSNBC, Alison Stewart, world@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Amy Robach, world@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Bob Kur, robert.kur@nbc.com
MSNBC, Chris Jansing, world@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Chris Matthews, hardball@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Contessa Brewer, world@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Countdown with Keith Olbermann, countdown@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Dan Abrams, abramsreport@msnbc.com
MSNBC, David Schuster, dshuster@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Deborah Norville, norville@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Deborah Norville, norville@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Dennis Sullivan (Executive Editor - Campaign Coverage), dennis.sullivan@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Don Imus, imus@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Don Imus, imus@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Hardball with Chris Matthews, hardball@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Imus in the Morning, Imus@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Joe Scarborough, joe@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Joe Trippi, jtrippi@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Keith Olbermann, countdown@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Lester Holt Live, Lesterholt@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Lester Holt, lester.holt@msnbc.com
MSNBC, MSNBC Investigates, msnbcinvestigates@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Randy Meier, world@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Richard Kaplan (President), feedback@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Ron Reagan, rreagan@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Scarborough Country, joe@msnbc.com
MSNBC, The Abrams Report, abramsreport@msnbc.com
MSNBC, Viewer Services, viewerservices@msnbc.com

Naples Daily News, Letters to the Editor, letters@naplesnews.com

National Enquirer, Editor, letters@nationalenquirer.com

Navy Times, Judy McCoy (Associate Publisher), jmccoy@atpco.com
Navy Times, Tobias Naegele (Executive Editor), tnaegele@atpco.com

NBC News, Dateline, dateline@nbc.com
NBC News, Meet The Press (Tim Russert), mtp@nbc.com
NBC News, Nightly News with Tom Brokaw, nightly@nbc.com
NBC News, Today Show, today@nbc.com

New Jersey 101.5, Jim Gearhart, gearhart@nj1015.com

New Republic, Editors, online@tnr.com

New York Times, Adam Liptak (National Legal Correspondent), liptaka@nytimes.com
New York Times, Bob Herbert, bobherb@nytimes.com
New York Times, Cory Reiss (Washington Correspondent), reissc@nytimes.com
New York Times, Daniel Okrent (Public Editor/Readers' Representative), public@nytimes.com
New York Times, David Brooks, dabrooks@nytimes.com
New York Times, David Colburn (National Desk), colburn@nytimes.com
New York Times, David Kirkpatrick (National Correspodent), dakirk@nytimes.com
New York Times, David Sanger (White House Correspondent Economics), dasang@nytimes.com
New York Times, Don Van Natta Jr., (Reporter - Washington), vannatta@nytimes.com
New York Times, Editorial Page Editor, editorial@nytimes.com
New York Times, Eric Schmitt (Washington Correspondent), erschm@nytimes.com
New York Times, Executive Editor, executive-editor@nytimes.com
New York Times, Felicity Barringer (Reporter - Washington), febarr@nytimes.com
New York Times, Foreign News, foreign@nytimes.com
New York Times, Glen Justice (Reporter - Washington Bureau), justice@nytimes.com
New York Times, Jo Thomas (Reporter - National), jothomas@nytimes.com
New York Times, John Fisher Burns (Chief Foreign Correspondent), burns@nytimes.com
New York Times, John H. Cushman Jr. (Washington Correspondent - Environment), cushman@nytimes.com
New York Times, John Markoff (West Coast Correspondent), markoff@nytimes.com
New York Times, Judith Miller (Senior Writer), judym@nytimes.com
New York Times, Letters to the Editor, letters@nytimes.com
New York Times, Linda Greenhouse (Washington Correspondent - Supreme Court), ligree@nytimes.com
New York Times, Managine Editor, managing-editor@nytimes.com
New York Times, Maureen Dowd, liberties@nytimes.com
New York Times, Michael Moss (Reporter Investigative), mossm@nytimes.com
New York Times, National News, national@nytimes.com
New York Times, News Coverage Comments and Suggestions, nytnews@nytimes.com
New York Times, News Tips, news-tips@nytimes.com
New York Times, Nicholas Kristof, nicholas@nytimes.com
New York Times, Paul Krugman, krugman@nytimes.com
New York Times, Peter Kilborn (National Correspondent), pekilb@nytimes.com
New York Times, Robert Pear (Reporter - Washington Bureau), ropear@nytimes.com
New York Times, Robin Toner, (Reporter - Washington), rotone@nytimes.com
New York Times, Sheryl Stolberg (Congressional Correspondent), stolberg@nytimes.com
New York Times, Stephen Labaton (Washington Correspondent), slabaton@nytimes.com
New York Times, Steven Weisman, (Correspondent - Washington), weisman@nytimes.com
New York Times, Tamar Lewin (National Correspondent), lewin@nytimes.com
New York Times, Tim Weiner, (Correspondent - Washington), tiwein@nytimes.com
New York Times, Todd Purdum (Chief Diplomatic Correspondent), topurd@nytimes.com
New York Times, Washington News, washington@nytimes.com
New York Times, William Safire, safire@nytimes.com

New Yorker Magazine, Jane Mayer, jane_mayer@newyorker.com
New Yorker Magazine, Joe Klein, joe_klein@newyorker.com
New Yorker Magazine, Nicholas Lemann, nick_lemann@newyorker.com
New Yorker Magazine, Seymour Hersch, themail@newyorker.com

Newhouse News Service, Bill Cahir (Pennsylvania and New Jersey Newspapers), Bill.Cahir@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Bill Walsh (The Times-Picayune), Bill.Walsh@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Bill Walsh, bill.walsh@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Brett Lieberman (The Patriot-News), Brett.Lieberman@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Brett Lieberman, blieberman@patriot-news.com
Newhouse News Service, Bruce Alpert (The Times-Picayune), Bruce.Alpert@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Bruce Alpert, balpert431@aol.com
Newhouse News Service, David Wood (National security reporter), David.Wood@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Deborah Howell (Bureau Chief), Deborah.Howell@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Delia M. Rios (History reporter), Delia.Rios@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Dru Sefton (National Correspondent), Dru.Sefton@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Jim Barnett (The Oregonian), Jim.Barnett@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Jim Barnett, jim.barnett@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Jim Nesbitt (American Scene reporter), Jim.Nesbitt@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Jo-Ann Moriarty (Springfield Union-News), Joann.Moriarty@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, John McQuaid (The Times-Picayune), John.McQuaid@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, John Membrino (News service news editor), John.Membrino@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Jonathan Tilove (Race reporter), Jonathan.Tilove@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Jonesetta Lassiter (Regional news editor), Jonesetta.Lassiter@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Linda Fibich (National editor), Linda.Fibich@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Mark Libbon, mark.libbon@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Mary Orndorff (The Birmingham News), Mary.Orndorff@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Mary Orndorff, mary.orndorff@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Mike Magner (Booth Newspapers), Mike.Magner@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Miles Benson (Political reporter), Miles.Benson@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Pat Henry (Night news editor), Pat.Henry@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Rick Beaudette (Executive news editor), Rick.Beaudette@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Robert Cohen (The Star-Ledger), Robert.Cohen@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Robert Cohen, robert.cohen@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Sam Hodges (Mobile Register), Sam.Hodges@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Sarah Kellogg (Booth Newspapers), Sarah.Kellogg@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Scott Orr (The Star-Ledger), Scott.Orr@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Scott Orr, scott.orr@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Sean Reilly (Mobile Register), Sean.Reilly@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Sean Reilly, sean.reilly@newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Terence Kivlan (Staten Island Advance), Terence.Kivlan@Newhouse.com
Newhouse News Service, Terence Kivlan, terence.kivlan@newhouse.com

Newsday, Deborah Barfield Berry, deborah.barfield@newsday.com
Newsday, Kenneth Fireman, ken.fireman@newsday.com

Newsweek International Editions, Letters to the Editor, Editors@newsweek.com
Newsweek, Howard Fineman, howardfineman@aol.com
Newsweek, Letters to the Editor, Letters@newsweek.com

NewsWorld International TV, contact form, nwifeedback@indtvholdings.com

NPR, All Things Considered, atc@npr.org
NPR, Ann Taylor, ataylor@npr.org
NPR, Bob Garfield, onthemedia@wnyc.org
NPR, Brenda Wilson, bwilson@npr.org
NPR, Brian Naylor, bnaylor@npr.org
NPR, Brooke Gladstone, onthemedia@nyc.org
NPR, Cokie Roberts, croberts@npr.org
NPR, Comments on NPR Coverage, ombudsman@npr.org
NPR, Corey Flintoff, cflintoff@npr.org
NPR, Corrections to NPR Stories, corrections@npr.org
NPR, Craig Windham, cwindham@npr.org
NPR, Daniel Schorr, dschorr@npr.org
NPR, Davar Ardalan (Producer - Weekend All Things Considered), dardalan@npr.org
NPR, Diane Rehn, drshow@wamu.org
NPR, Dick Gordon, connectionweb@wbur.bu.edu
NPR, Don Gonyea, dgonyea@npr.org
NPR, Ellen McDonnell (Executive Producer - Morning Edition), emcdonnell@npr.org
NPR, Jacki Lyden, jlyden@npr.org
NPR, Jean Cochran, jcochran@npr.org
NPR, Juan Williams, jwilliams@npr.org
NPR, Ken Rudin (Political Editor), krudin@npr.org
NPR, Liane Hansen, lhansen@npr.org
NPR, Linda Wertheimer, ombudsman@npr.org
NPR, Mara Liasson, mliasson@npr.org
NPR, Maria Hinojosa, lusa@npr.org
NPR, Melissa Block, mblock@npr.org
NPR, Michele Norris, atc@npr.org
NPR, Morning Edition, morning@npr.org
NPR, Neal Conan, nconan@npr.org
NPR, Nina Totenberg, ntotenberg@npr.org
NPR, Noah Adams, atc@npr.org
NPR, Pam Fessler, pfessler@npr.org
NPR, Paul Brown, ombudsman@npr.org
NPR, Peter Breslow (Senior Producer - Weekend Edition Saturday), pbreslow@npr.org
NPR, Renee Montagne, morning@npr.org
NPR, Robert Siegel, rsiegel@npr.org
NPR, Ron Elving, ombudsman@npr.org
NPR, Steve Inskeep, sinskeep@npr.org
NPR, Susan Stamberg, sstamberg@npr.org
NPR, Talk Of The Nation, totn@npr.org
NPR, Tavis Smiley, tavis@npr.org
NPR, Terry Gross, freshair@whyy.org
NPR, Weekend All Things Considered, watc@npr.org
NPR, Weekend Edition Saturday, wesat@npr.org
NPR, Weekend Edition Sunday, wesun@npr.org

Orlando Business Journal, Letters to the Editor, orlando@bizjournals.com

Orlando Sentinel, John C. Bersia, jbersia@orlandosentinel.com

Orlando Times, Letters to the Editor, news@orlando-times.com

Orlando Weekly, Letters to the Editor, bwhitby@orlandoweekly.com

Pacific News Service, Andrew Lam, lam@pacificnews.org
Pacific News Service, Brian Shott, brian@pacificnews.org

Pacifica, Flashpoints Radio, editorial@flashpoints.net

PBS, NOW with Bill Moyers, now@thirteen.org
PBS, The Charlie Rose Show, charlierose@pbs.org
PBS, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer, newshour@pbs.org

Phil Hendrie Show, staff, phs@philhendrieshow.com

Philadelphia Inquirer, Amanda Bennett (Editor), abennett@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Anne Gordon (Managing Editor), agordon@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Carrie Budoff (Politics), cbudoff@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Chris Hepp (City Editor), chepp@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Chris Mondics (Washington Correspondent), cmondics@krwashington.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Chris Satullo (Editorial Page Editor), csatullo@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Deidre Childress (Deputy City Editor), dchildress@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Deputy Managing Editor/News, clavin@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Feedback, http://www.philly.com/mld/philly/contact_us/feedback_np... /
Philadelphia Inquirer, Letters to the Editor, Inquirer.Letters@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Marlene Slowik (Newsroom Manager/Editorial Assistant), mslowik@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Ned Warwick (National/Foreign Editor), nwarwick@phillynews.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Steve Goldstein (Washington Correspondent), slgoldstein@krwashington.com
Philadelphia Inquirer, Tom McNamara (Deputy Managing Editor - Sunday), tmcnamara@phillynews.com

PRI, Capitol Hill Bureau, news@capitolhillbureau.org
PRI, The World, theworld@pri.org

Propaganda Matrix, news tips, newstips@propagandamatrix.com

Prospering in America, Prospering in America, pia@piaradio.com

Radio Left.com, Rick Vanderslice and David Taffet, mail@radioleft.com

Reuters America, Arshad Mohammed, arshad.mohammed@reuters.com
Reuters America, David Wiellser, editor@reuters.com
Reuters America, Lawrence McQuillan, editor@reuters.com
Reuters America, Patricia Wilson, patricia.wilson@reuters.com
Reuters America, Randall Mikkelsen, randall.mikkelsen@reuters.com
Reuters America, Steve Holland, steve.holland@reuters.com

Reuters News Service, Editorial Contact Form, http://aboutreuters.custhelp.com/cgi-bin/aboutreuters.c...

Reuters, Feedback - Contact a Reuters Editor, http://www.reuters.com/-helpSection.jhtml?p=contactUs
Reuters, John Whitesides (Political Correspondent), john.whitesides@reuters.com
Reuters, Robert Doherty (Washington Bureau Chief), rob.doherty@reuters.com

Richmond Times-Dispatch, Letters to the Editor, letters@timesdispatch.com

Roll Call, Josh Kurtz (Politics Editor), letters@rollcall.com
Roll Call, Letters to the Editor, http://www.rollcall.com/cgi-bin/udt/fdc.collector?clien...
Roll Call, Morton Kondracke (Executive Editor and Political Columnist), mmk@rollcall.com
Roll Call, Norman Ornstein (Contributing Writer), letters@rollcall.com
Roll Call, Stuart Rothenberg (Rothenberg Political Report), srpolitics@aol.com
Roll Call, Tim Curran (Editor), tjc@rollcall.com

Rollye James, Rollye James, rollye@rollye.net

Salon, David Talbot (Founder - Editor in Chief and Chief Executive Officer), talbotd@salon.com
Salon, Eric Boehlert (Senior Writer), boehlert@salon.com
Salon, Geraldine Sealey (Senior Editor), gsealey@salon.com
Salon, Jake Tapper, jtapper@salon.com
Salon, King Kaufman (Senior Writer), kaufman@salon.com
Salon, Mark Follman (Associate Editor), mfollman@salon.com
Salon, Michal Keeley (Associate Editor), mkeeley@salon.com
Salon, Michelle Goldberg (Senior Writer), michelle@salon.com
Salon, Sidney Blumenthal (Senior Vice President of Editorial Development/Washington Bureau Chief), edit@salon.com
Salon, Tim Grieve (Senior Writer), tgrieve@salon.com

San Francisco Bay Guardian, Editorial Page Editor, letters@sfbg.com
San Francisco Bay Guardian, Tim Redmond, tredmond@sfbg.com

Satellite Sisters, Satellite Sisters, sisters@satellitesisters.com

Scripps-Howard News Service, Bill Straub (Washington Correspondent), straubb@shns.com
Scripps-Howard News Service, Jennifer Sergent (Washington Correspondent), sergentj@shns.com
Scripps-Howard News Service, Tom Hargrove (Washington Correspondent), hargrovet@shns.com

Sirius Left, Alex Bennett, alexbennett@alexbennett.com
Sirius Left, Doug Stephan, doug@dougstephan.com
Sirius Left, Ed Schultz Show, james@edschultzshow.com
Sirius Left, Lynn Samuels, maillynnsamuels@hotmail.com
Sirius Left, Peter B. Collins, peterbsf@yahoo.com
Sirius Left, The Young Turks, theyoungturk@yahoo.com
Sirius Left, Thom Hartmann, thom@thomhartmann.com

Slate, Article submission, letters@slate.com
Slate, Jacob Weisberg (Editor), letters@slate.com
Slate, Letters to the Editor, letters@slate.com

St. Petersburg Times, Robyn Blumner, blumner@sptimes.com

Stephens Media Group, Samantha Young, syoung@stephensmedia.com
Stephens Media Group, Tony Batt, tbatt@stephensmedia.com

Syndicated News International, Elizabeth Rabin, lrabin@sni-news.com

Talk Radio News Service, Adam Sharon, letters@talkradionews.com
Talk Radio News Service, Gareth Schweltzer, letters@talkradionews.com

Talking Points Memo, Josh Marshall, talk@talkingpointsmemo.com

Tallahassee Democrat, Letters to the Editor, letters@tallahassee.com

The Hill, Alexander Bolton, alexb@thehill.com
The Hill, Betsy Rothstein, betsyr@thehill.com
The Hill, Bob Cusack (Managing Editor), bcusack@thehill.com
The Hill, Byron York, byork@thehill.com
The Hill, Deborah Kalb (Senior Editor), dkalb@thehill.com
The Hill, Editor Albert Eisele, aleisele@thehill.com
The Hill, Geoff Earle, gearle@thehill.com
The Hill, Hans Nichols, hnichols@thehill.com
The Hill, Jeff Dufour (Features Editor), jeffd@thehill.com
The Hill, Jim Snyder, jsnyder@thehill.com
The Hill, John Kornacki, jkornacki@jhu.edu
The Hill, Jonathan E. Kaplan, jkaplan@thehill.com
The Hill, Josephine Hearn, jhearn@thehill.com
The Hill, Josh Marshall, jmarshall@thehill.com
The Hill, Klaus Marre, kmarre@thehill.com
The Hill, Lauren Shepherd, laurens@thehill.com
The Hill, Letters to the Editor, http://www.hillnews.com/forms/frm_feedback.shtm
The Hill, Lynn Sweet, lsweet3022@aol.com
The Hill, Michael S. Gerber, michaelg@thehill.com
The Hill, Patrick O'Connor, poconnor@thehill.com
The Hill, Peter Savodnik, psavodnik@thehill.com
The Hill, Sarah Bouchard, sbouchard@thehill.com

The Nation, David Corn (Washington Editor), dcorn@thenation.com
The Nation, John Nichols, info@thenation.com
The Nation, Katrina vanden Heuvel (Editor), info@thenation.com
The Nation, letters to the editor, http://www.thenation.com/contact/lett
The Nation, Richard Lingeman (Senior Editor), info@thenation.com
The Nation, Victor Navasky (Publisher and Editorial Director), info@thenation.com
The Nation, William Greider (National Affairs Correspondent), info@thenation.com

The Progressive Magazine, Editorial Department, editorial@progressive.org

Time, Howard Chua-Eoan (News Director), letters@time.com
Time, Hugh Sidey (Contributor), hugh_sidey@time.com
Time, James Kelly (Managing Editor), letters@time.com
Time, Jay Carney (Deputy Washington Bureau Chief), letters@time.com
Time, Joe Klein (Senior Writer), letters@time.com
Time, John Dickerson (White House Correspondent), letters@time.com
Time, Karen Tumulty (Political Correspondent), letters@time.com
Time, Letters, letters@time.com
Time, Margaret Carlson (Senior Writer), letters@time.com
Time, Matthew Cooper (White House Correspondent), letters@time.com
Time, Michael Duffy (Assistant Managing Editor - Washington Bureau Chief), letters@time.com
Time, Michael Weisskopf (Senior Correspondent - National Politics), letters@time.com
Time, Norman Pearlstein (Editor-in-Chief), letters@time.com

Tom Joyner Morning Show, BlackAmericaWeb, news@blackamericaweb.com

Tom Leykis Show, Tom Leykis, tom@blowmeuptom.com

Tony Trupiano Show, Tony Trupiano Show, tony@thetonyshow.com

U.S. News and World Report, Brian Duffy (Executive Editor), bduffy@usnews.com
U.S. News and World Report, David Gergen (Editor-at-Large), letters@usnews.com
U.S. News and World Report, Gloria Borger (National News Assistant Managing Editor - On Politics Columnist), gborger@usnews.com
U.S. News and World Report, Gordon Witkin (Chief of Correspondents), letters@usnews.com
U.S. News and World Report, http://www.usnews.com/usnews/usinfo/infomain.htm
U.S. News and World Report, Jodie Allen (Managing Editor), jallen@usnews.com
U.S. News and World Report, Kenneth Walsh (Chief White House Correspondent), kwalsh@usnews.com
U.S. News and World Report, Kenneth Walsh, kwalsh@usnews.com
U.S. News and World Report, Morton Zuckerman (Chairman and Editor-in-Chief), mzuckerman@usnews.com
U.S. News and World Report, Roger Simon (Politics Editor), letters@usnews.com
U.S. News and World Report, Victoria Pope (Managing Editor), vpope@usnews.com
U.S. News and World Report, Washington Whispers (Paul Bedard), whispers@usnews.com

UK Guardian, Emily Bell (Editor in Chief), editor@guardianunlimited.co.uk
UK Guardian, Foreign Desk, foreign@guardian.co.uk
UK Guardian, Letters to the Editor, letters@guardian.co.uk
UK Guardian, Newsdesk, home@guardian.co.uk
UK Guardian, Political Staff, politics@guardian.co.uk
UK Guardian, Politics Editor, politics.editor@guardianunlimited.co.uk
UK Independent, Foreign Desk, foreigneditor@independent.co.uk
UK Independent, Letters to the Editor, letters@independent.co.uk
UK Independent, News Desk, newseditor@independent.co.uk

United Press International (UPI), Investigations Desk, investigations_desk@upi.com
United Press International (UPI), News Tip or Press Release, focusgroup@upi.com
United Press International (UPI), Politics Desk, politics_desk@upi.com

USA Today, Alan Levin -- Aviation and Transportation Reporter, alevin@usatoday.com
USA Today, Andrea Stone -- Congressional Correspondent, astone@usatoday.com
USA Today, Barbara Slavin -- Senior Diplomatic Reporter, bslavin@usatoday.com
USA Today, Bill Nichols -- State Department Reporter, bnichols@usatoday.com
USA Today, Bill Welch -- Congressional Reporter, bwelch@usatoday.com
USA Today, Brian Gallagher -- Editorial Page Editor, editor@usatoday.com
USA Today, Craig Moon -- President and Publisher, editor@usatoday.com
USA Today, Dave Moniz -- Military Reporter, dmoniz@usatoday.com
USA Today, George Hager -- Assignment Editor - National Security and Economics, ghager@usatoday.com
USA Today, Gwen Flanders -- Washington Editor - White House and Politics, gflanders@usatoday.com
USA Today, Jill Lawrence -- Political Reporter, jlawrence@usatoday.com
USA Today, Jim Drinkard -- Political Reporter, jdrinkard@usatoday.com
USA Today, Joan Biskupic -- Supreme Court Reporter, jbiskupic@usatoday.com
USA Today, John Hillkirk -- Executive Editor, editor@usatoday.com
USA Today, Judy Keen -- Political Reporter, jkeen@usatoday.com
USA Today, Karen Jurgensen (Editor-in-Chief), kjurgensen@usatoday.com
USA Today, Kathy Kiely -- Congressional Reporter, kkiely@usatoday.com
USA Today, Ken Paulsen -- Editor, editor@usatoday.com
USA Today, Kevin Johnson -- Justice and FBI Reporter, kjohnson@usatoday.com
USA Today, Kirk Spitzer -- Dot-com Political Editor, kspitzer@usatoday.com
USA Today, Letters to the Editor, editor@usatoday.com
USA Today, Mimi Hall -- White House Reporter, mhall@usatoday.com
USA Today, Monte Lorell -- Sports Editor, editor@usatoday.com
USA Today, Richard Benedetto -- White House and Political Reporter, rbenedetto@usatoday.com
USA Today, Richard Wolf -- Assignment Editor - Congress, rwolf@usatoday.com
USA Today, Susan Page -- Managing Editor, spage@usatoday.com
USA Today, Tom Squitieri -- Congressional Reporter, tsquitieri@usatoday.com
USA Today, Toni Locy -- Justice Reporter, tlocy@usatoday.com
USA Today, Unsolicited Opinion Pieces, theforum@usatoday.com
USA Today, Walter Shapiro (Columnist - Politics), wshapiro@usatoday.com

Village Voice, James Ridgeway, jridgeway@villagevoice.com

Wall Street Journal, Greg Hitt, greg.hitt@wsj.com
Wall Street Journal, Jeanne Cummings, jeanne.cummings@awsj.com

Washington Post, Full List of Writers, http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/interact/longterm/...
Washington Post, George Will, georgewill@washpost.com
Washington Post, Jim Hoagland, jimhoagland@washpost.com
Washington Post, Letters, letters@washpost.com
Washington Post, Michael Getler (Ombudsman), ombudsman@washpost.com

Washington Times, Editorial Page Editor, letters@washingtontimes.com
Washington Times, Greg Pierce, gpierce@washingtontimes.com
Washington Times, John McCaslin, jmccaslin@washingtontimes.com

WBT (Charlotte), Keith Larson, klarson@wbt.com

WBZ (Boston), David Brudnoy, brudnoy@boston.cbs.com

WCBM (Baltimore), Les Kinsolving, les@leskinsolving.com

WDBZ (Cincinnati), Lincoln Ware, lware@radio-one.com

WGN (Chicago), Spike O'Dell, spikeodell@wgnradio.com

WHJJ-AM (Providence, RI), John DePetro, john@depetro.com

WJR (Detroit), Paul W. Smith, paul.w.smith@abc.com

WLS (Chicago), Roe Conn, roe@wlsam.com

WMAL, Chris Core, chriscore@630wmal.com

WOL (Baltimore), Joe Madison, beagle980@aol.com

WOR, Bob Grant, bobgrant@wor710.com

WOR, Joey Reynolds, jreynolds@wor710.com

World Link TV, contact form, contact@LinkTV.org

WorldNet Daily, Les Kinsolving, les@wcbm.com

WPTF (Raleigh, NC), Jerry Agar, jerry@wpftmail.com

WQAM (Miami), Neil Rogers, neil@neilrogers.com

WRIF-FM (Detroit), Peter Werbe, mnightcall@wrif.com

WVLY (Wheeling), Howard Monroe, hmonroe@stratuswave.net

Your Call, Farai Chideya, farainyc@earthlink.net
Your Call, Laura Flanders, lfsrfc@yahoo.com

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